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  “I think I’d prefer the Mahogany Bar myself, but I can see the attraction for the young ones,” Kate glanced around the room.

  “Just excuse me a minute Kate,” Alex turned his attention to a waitress who was polishing glasses.

  “Is Tony around?” he asked her.

  “He’s in the cellar Sir, shall I phone him?”

  “Yes please.”

  A few minutes later, a nervous young man with a mass of ginger hair, appeared behind the bar.

  “You wanted to see me Mr. Lawton?” he asked.

  “Last night there as a gentleman in here, he was having a drink with me, do you remember?”

  ”Of course sir,” he sounded relieved.

  “After I left, did you notice anyone else join him?”

  “Yes, a woman.”

  “Could you be more precise?” Alex prompted him.

  “Oh right, er she was young and pretty, in fact she was stunning with long black hair, and she had a white wine and soda,” he blushed.

  “Which I paid for, you didn’t happen to catch her name did you Tony?”

  “No Sir, but I don’t think they knew each other because when he left, they shook hands.”

  “How very polite of him,” Kate muttered under her breathe.

  “So he left the bar and she stayed on her own?” Alex reiterated what the young man had said.

  “I had to serve other customers, there was a large group in the bar, and they were really noisy. The next time I looked up she was gone. Oh, just a minute; that’s not right. She asked me for a bottle of wine and told me to charge it to a room. I’ll have to look it up, I can’t remember the number.” He quickly flicked through the bar memo, then looked up at Alex and said.

  “Room 137.”

  “Was that Ben’s room?” Kate asked, already knowing the answer.

  “Yes,” he replied quietly.

  “Don’t you think you’re assuming too much Kate?” Alex asked. “Ben might have had a car accident, or he could have been abducted by someone,” he added.

  “Would that be before or after he entertained the stunning young woman with long black hair?” Kate glared at him.

  “Let’s just forget about that for now,” Alex avoided her stare.

  “That’s easier said than done.”

  “I know Kate, but try to listen to what I’m saying.”

  “O.K. let’s say he has had a car accident,” she said, “If someone had found him, he could be identified from his business cards in his briefcase; and I assumed again you’d already phoned the local hospitals,” she enquired sharply, instantly regretting her brusque manner.

  “No I haven’t actually; I’ll get someone on to it straightaway.”

  “Why did you say he could have been abducted? That’s a strange thing to say,” Kate quizzed him.

  “It’s a possibility, and it would explain why he left so early without speaking to me.”

  “That’s ridiculous; he can’t abduct himself, he left alone remember? It’s obvious why he left so early in the morning, so no one would see him. He must have something or someone to hide, probably the latter.”

  “This is getting us nowhere. Would you like something to eat?” he asked sensing her agitation.

  “Why would I want something to eat?” she replied indignantly.

  “You can’t think straight on an empty stomach.”

  “I don’t think I could eat anything.”

  “What about a sandwich, you really should try to eat something?”

  “Alright, but just something light please,” she agreed realising he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

  “Do you want a drink?”

  She hesitated, “just a small white wine please.”

  Alex ordered the meal and drinks from the bar, and re-joined her a few minutes later.

  “I should be out looking for my husband,” Kate looked despondent.

  “I really don’t think there’s anything more you can do, you’ll just have to be patient.”

  Kate didn’t reply she knew he was right, but she still felt guilty even though she was very angry at her husband’s betrayal.

  A waitress appeared at the table and presented them with a huge selection of sandwiches, and a basket of fresh salad, Kate picked up a sandwich and nibbled at it. She opened her mouth to speak as Mrs. Oliver approached them.

  “Excuse me Mr. Lawton. I’ve contacted all the hospitals and there has been no admission by the name of Ben Preston. There have been a number of car accidents, but none of the victims fit his description.”

  “Well that sounds like good news, thank you Mrs. Oliver,” he smiled.

  “If there’s nothing else, I’m going off duty now. I shall be on holiday for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gilroy will be sharing the reception duties while I’m away,” she informed him.

  “Not that dreadful woman, she really isn’t hotel reception material,” Alex winced.

  “Would you like me to get a replacement from the agency?” she asked.

  “No not at the moment, I’ll have a word with her later. Have a nice holiday Mrs. Oliver.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled and turned away.

  Kate also took the opportunity to leave, and stood up.

  “Thank you for your hospitality Alex. If you don’t mind I’d like to take a shower and have an early night.”

  “You hardly touched your food,” he remarked noticing the half-eaten sandwich.

  “I’m sorry, I’m too anxious to eat,” she apologised.

  Shall I pick my keys up from reception?” she added.

  “I’ll come with you,” he stood up.

  Alex heard Mrs. Gilroy’s unpleasant voice before he caught sight of her behind the reception desk, and cringed as she opened her coarse mouth to speak.

  “Thank you Mrs. Gilroy but I haven’t lost the use of my ears, could you please lower your voice.” Although she was a smartly dressed woman, her verbal tirades were embarrassing. She was a middle-aged woman who wore her grey peppered hair in a neat bun, and a moderate application of foundation and eye make-up. Her appearance was aesthetically pleasing, and if she was not required to indulge in conversation, she would have been a perfect receptionist!

  “I’m sorry Mr. Lawton but my hubbie is hard of hearing and I have to keep shouting at him. I can’t seem to stop doing it, we got thrown out of the library last week,” she smirked.

  “Then get him a hearing aid.”

  “He’s waiting for an appointment.”

  “O.K Mrs. Gilroy, could I have the keys to the Lotus Suite please,” he interrupted her

  “Right you are Mr. Lawton,” she beamed which irritated Alex.

  “The keys,” Alex held out his hand.

  Kate resisted the temptation to smile, and distanced herself from the desk as Alex clutched the keys in his hand and leaned forward. He whispered something to Mrs. Gilroy, which Kate didn’t hear, but it was scathing enough to instantly wipe the smile from the woman’s face.

  “This way Kate,” Alex proceeded briskly towards a set of double doors which led into a hallway at the end of which, The Lotus Suite was located. Above the door was an elaborate carving of two inter-twined flowers.

  “Is this the honeymoon Suite?” Kate was intrigued by his choice of accommodation for her. A half-smile spread across Alex’s face.

  “Not exactly,” he paused as he slid the key into the lock, and held the door open for her to enter. These rooms are for my personal use, but not at the moment. I moved out a few weeks ago; I’ve taken a room on the ground floor as a temporary measure, and for the time being, they can be used by family and friends at my discretion.”

  “Which group do I belong to?” she asked, stepping into the luxuriously carpeted room.

  “I suppose you’re somewhere in between,” he replied vaguely.

  Unsure of what to make of his comment, she remained silent and glanced round the beautiful rooms. The luxury it afforded was beyond her comprehension, words didn’t exist
to describe it. Suffice to say it was elaborate to the point of vulgarity. Five rooms comprising of a bedroom with a king-sized four poster bed draped in red silk, a lounge with its own optics and bar, a fully fitted kitchen, dining room and huge marble and glass bathroom, completed the Lotus Suite. Outside, a games room and mini gymnasium added to the splendour the Suite offered, but Kate was uncomfortable with her host’s choice of accommodation.

  “So what do you think?” he asked after her perusal.

  “It’s very” she hesitated, “impressive.”

  Picking up a framed photograph of two men; one of whom was obviously Alex, Kate enquired of the identity of the younger looking man.

  “A friend,” was all he would say.

  “Shall I arrange for your luggage to be sent up?” he asked wanting to change the subject.

  Deep feelings of guilt washed over Kate as she glanced around the room.

  “Don’t think I don’t appreciate your hospitality, but I really can’t stay in here tonight. Could I just have a single room?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Are you sure I can’t change your mind?” he attempted to persuade her.

  “I’m sorry Alex, my minds’ made up.”

  “I understand,” he nodded

  Kate walked past him and made her way back to the reception desk. Alex followed closely behind, and spoke to Mrs. Gilroy.

  “Room 137, is vacant Sir,” she replied courteously.

  “Is there anything else?” she added.

  “Not at the moment Mrs. Gilroy,” he turned to Kate.

  “There’s a single room available, but it was the one Ben’s was staying in,” he informed her.

  “I don’t mind,” she replied quietly, and followed Alex to the lift, where they travelled in silence to the third floor. Outside room 137, Alex hesitated.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he gave her a chance to change her mind.

  Kate nodded as he turned the key in the lock, and pushed open the door.

  “I hope you find this room to your liking. I’ll get your case sent up to you as soon as possible,” he replied.

  “Thank you, I’ll say goodnight then.” Kate wanted to be on her own now.

  “Goodnight Kate, if there’s anything you need just contact reception, there’s a phone in your room and don’t take any cheek from Mrs. Gilroy. I’ll get her replaced tomorrow.”

  Alex took the lift to the ground floor and returned to his office. A few minutes later he was disturbed by a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” he said without looking up.

  Joseph stood in front of him holding an envelope in his hand.

  “This was just delivered for you Mr. Lawton,” he passed it over.

  “Thank you,” Alex took it and glanced briefly at it

  “How long have you been working here Joseph?” he asked.

  “Nearly two months, but I was at your Brixham hotel for two years Mr. Lawton,” he replied.

  “And what are your duties?”

  “I’m a waiter, and I stand in for the bar staff when someone’s ill.”

  “The head waiter has informed me he’ll be leaving at the end of the month. Would you like to take the position?” Alex asked.

  “Yes of course, thank you Mr. Lawton,” the look on his face expressed his gratitude.

  “You’ll receive an increase in your salary, and you’ll need some training, but I’m sure you’ll cope. Now don’t let me down Joseph, this is a responsible position.”

  “I won’t Sir, and thank you again.”

  “I’ve noticed you don’t have your surname on your identity badge, why is that?”

  “No one can spell it or pronounce it properly,” he smirked.

  “Oh I see; what is it then?”


  “I see what you mean; we’ll leave it as it is.”

  Joseph turned to go, but Alex called him back.

  “Before I forget, I want you to take a case from reception to room 137, it belongs to Mrs. Preston she’s staying over-night.”

  “Yes Sir, isn’t that the room her husband was in?”

  “That’s right Joseph, now if there’s nothing else I’m busy.”

  “No Sir, I’ll see to it straight away.”

  Joseph left the office, and Alex flicked through a pile of paperwork on his desk. A few minutes later, another knock sounded and he looked up.

  “Come in,” he spoke loudly, and Sean Hughes entered the room.

  “You wanted to speak to me Mr. Lawton?” he enquired nervously.

  “Yes I do. Can you explain to me why you’re never around when I need you?” he asked sternly.

  “I don’t know what you mean?”

  “I was called to reception again,” he emphasised his words, “to deal with a guest, because you were nowhere to be found.”

  “I’ve been busy stock-taking all day,” he lowered his head, to avoid making eye contact with Alex.

  “Stock-taking,” he paused and nodded his head. “Would that be with Kelly Barnes by any chance?”

  “Yes, she wasn’t sure what to do.”

  “I’ll assume you showed her then?” he replied trying not to smirk, even though he was angry with the young man.

  Sean had nothing to say.

  “Do I look stupid, and don’t answer that question. I know what you’re up to, and this is your last warning. If the standard of your work doesn’t improve in the next two weeks, I’ll have to let you go. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes Sir,” the young man nodded

  “You can go now.” Alex dismissed him and picked up the envelope that Joseph had delivered earlier. It was hand-written, and he tore it open to reveal a two paged document. After reading it carefully, he replaced it back in the envelope and hurried from his office.



  After a restless night Kate woke early, and for a brief moment forgot where she was. When reality came crashing back, her heart thudded in her chest as the reality of her predicament registered. It had been a mistake to stay in the room Ben had occupied. Every time she closed her eyes, her head was swamped with images of him and this other woman. She was in the same bed, and the thought filled her with disgust and loathing. Leaping out of bed as if she had been stung, she took a shower and left the room. Downstairs she caught sight of Alex, and headed in his direction.

  “Good morning Kate, did you sleep well?” he enquired.

  “Yes thanks,” she mumbled, not wanting to admit the truth.

  “Take a look at this; it as delivered last night by hand,” he passed her the envelope.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Open it, and see.”

  Kate took the contents from the envelope and briefly scanned the two page document. The second page was signed and dated by her husband, with a note attached requesting Alex’s signature.

  “This is from Ben,” she looked up at him. “I don’t understand, how did it get here?”

  “I’ve already told you, it was delivered last night.”

  “Ben was here last night and you didn’t think to wake me?” she was astounded.

  “It was delivered by a woman.”

  “Who was she?” Kate continued to question him.

  “Mrs. Gilroy said she was between thirty and forty, with bleached blonde hair.”

  “Well that narrows it down to a few million; it could even have been me in a wig.” Kate raised her voice, and glanced over her shoulder at Mrs. Gilroy.

  “I haven’t got time to notice what people look like. I was given that envelope and told to give it to Mr. Lawton. She was only here for a minute at the most,” Mrs. Gilroy attempted to defend her inadequate description of the woman in question.

  Ignoring her outburst, Alex turned his attention back to Kate.

  “Whoever delivered this envelope wasn’t the same woman who was with Ben.”

  “I think we should tell the police,” Kate decided.

  “I did that last night, they’ll be here shortly.”

  “Now we know Ben is involved with two women, if he’s still alive that is,” Alex spoke his thoughts.

  “That’s very cruel Alex, this is my husband you’re talking about,” Kate stared at him.

  “I didn’t mean to be cruel, I’m sorry.”

  Ignoring him, she continued.

  “Why didn’t Ben bring the contract for you to sign in person?” Kate asked.

  “I’m sorry to point out the obvious Kate; but Ben’s gone missing!”

  “I was asking a rhetorical question,” she replied vaguely and added, “he didn’t bring it himself because he’s not able to. I think he’s been kidnapped,” she sat back and stared vacantly towards the window.

  “Why would anyone want to kidnap him?” Alex was confused.

  “You said he could have been abducted, remember?” she raised her eyebrows.

  “I wasn’t being serious,” he paused.

  “Why would anyone other than Ben want my signature on this contract?” he added.

  “You told me you’d already signed, and this contract was merely a formality,” Kate reminded him.

  “I signed to accept that I.D.C. had secured the deal on the original document, but the terms were defined in detail on this contract. If I really wanted to, I could hire a top lawyer who could, and would say, without my signature on this line, the contract was null and void,” he stabbed his finger on the line.

  “Are you going to sign it?”

  “When I get proof that Ben is still alive,” he replied bluntly

  “How do you intend to do that?”

  “I’ll wait until I’ve spoken to the police,” he turned to go, then stopped.

  “I nearly forgot, there are a few lines in the morning paper about Ben’s disappearance, it’s on page four,” Alex passed it to her.

  Kate turned to the relevant page and read the few sentences that summed up ‘the missing business man’ as the editor had labelled him.

  “I suppose he’s just another missing person, not very exciting reading is it?” she surmised flicking through the remainder of the paper, when something caught her eye.

  “Look at this Alex; it’s the man in the morgue. Look at his face, it’s definitely him,” she said excitedly, pointing to the image.